In cooperation with hbs, Amman-based Radio Al-Balad launched their new radio program called “Road to the Airport” in April 2022. The program sheds light on the labor issues, challenges and problems that Jordanian expatriates face while working abroad. The show aims to enhance Jordanian expatriates' communication with their homeland by providing them with a platform to raise their concerns and to speak directly with experts who are guests on the program.
Tune in every Thursday at 12.00 PM to find out more about the lives of Jordanian workers overseas. The live episodes are streamed on Radio al Balad’s Facebook page (all content is in Arabic only). Past episodes can also be accessed by clicking on the link below.
In 2020, hbs cooperated with Amman-based Radio Al-Balad to produce a radio program titled Mahatat Masr (Egypt Station). In accordance with the slogan “By Egyptians for Egyptians”, the radio program was produced and narrated by Egyptian media students over a period of 16 weeks. Each show focused on Egyptian labor migrants residing in Jordan and their daily struggle to make a living. During the phone-in shows, Egyptian laborers were able to call, tell their stories, share their concerns or raise questions. The show was highly successful, with the number of viewers ranging between 10.000 and 15.000 per show. Among these viewers were a significant proportion of Egyptian migrant workers.
Sixteen episodes were produced in total and if you missed any episodes of Mahatat Masr,or wish to re-watch them ,episodes are all available through the link below (all content is in Arabic only).

Is there anything to laugh about migrant workers being exploited or mistreated? Surely not, so why does a group of creative writers and caricaturists openly publish satirical articles and caricatures on the fate of migrant workers in Jordan and the region?
When we, hbs Palestine and Jordan, started to promote organizations supporting migrant workers and the elimination of human trafficking, we noticed that both topics have scarcely been tackled in mainstream media. Although scientific research papers and political analyses do regularly cover the crucial issue of migrant workers in the region, public awareness on the topic remains low, mainly because people rarely read these papers. This is why we approached the creative team at Al-Hudood to potentially work on this topic. Following our discussion, their team came up with many great ideas that were ready to come to life. With satirical publications that are for sure much different from typical media content, we hope to sensitize the readers to the concerns of migrant workers, including cases of abuse, and to spark further social discussion on the topic in Jordan and beyond.
Curious? Check the links on the right-hand side to read Al Hudood’s satirical articles or click here to take part in their satirical interactive quiz on migrant workers (all content is in Arabic only)
Al-Hudood (Arabic for The Limits or The Borders) is an award-winning satirical Arabic news publication founded July 2013. It uses its satirical news website as its main platform. Additionally, since early 2019 it has been issuing a monthly satirical newspaper. Both contain publications on current affairs in politics and society in Jordan and the region. All articles and caricatures are based on satire and humor.
رجل يتحرّش بعاملة المنزل ليملأ ساعات فراغها فلا تشعر بالملل
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رب عمل يعيّد على أحد عماله الوافدين ويعطيه راتبه بمناسبة الشهر الفضيل
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عائلة وطنية تتوقف عن دفع راتب الخادمة بعد اكتشافها أنها تحول النقود للخارج
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السُلطات تُحقق مع أصحاب منزل ضربوا خادمتهم لمعرفة جريمتها ومحاكمتها وفق الأصول
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لماذا يبلغ سعر كلية عامل وافد عشرات الآلاف من الدولارات بينما لا يتجاوز سعر العامل كله بضعة آلاف؟
https://alhudood.net/14969 -
عامل مهاجر يضيّع وقت العمل بتناول وجبة أثناء ساعات الدوام الثمانية عشرة
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عامل يحتفل بعيد العمَّال بخدمة العمَّال في عيدهم
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خاص بالحدود: العمالة الوافدة تتعمَّد الموت المفاجئ خلال ساعات العمل لتعطيل الإنتاج