The Open Day in Jerusalem on 19 October 2016 News The project "Advancing the Rights of Vulnerable Women and Children in East Jerusalem" opened its doors to the public on Wednesday the 19th of October at the Young Women’s Christian Association (YWCA) in East Jerusalem. Our project partners Sawa—All the Women Together Today and Tomorrow, War Child Holland (WCH), Right to Play (RTP), Arab Center for Agricultural Development (ACAD), and ArtLab (ARTLAB) displayed their work to hundreds of attending children and women.
Open Day in Jerusalem Press Release Heinrich Böll Stiftung - Palestine & Jordan Office held on 19 October 2016 a public event to celebrate with its partners, beneficiaries, and friends the achievements of their EU-funded project that supports vulnerable communities in East Jerusalem.
Open Day in Jerusalem - Now Full Program Available During this event, Heinrich Boell Foundation and its partners will exhibit their work on a day dedicated to the project beneficiaries and open to the public. Starting at 11am a variety of activities will be available for children and adults.