Open Day in Jerusalem - Now Full Program Available

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فعاليّة اليوم المفتوح في القدس لمشروع "النهوض بحقوق النساء والأطفال الفلسطينيّين المهمّشين في القدس الشرقيّة"

The Open Day in Jerusalem is a showcase event for the EU funded project “Advancing the Rights of Vulnerable Palestinian Women and Children in East Jerusalem”.

During this event, Heinrich Boell Foundation and its partners will exhibit their work on a day dedicated to the project beneficiaries and open to the public. Starting at 11am a variety of activities will be available for children and adults including:

  • Exhibitions of women hand-made products (food, jewelry, decorative plants etc),
  • Artistic exhibitions,
  • Recreational activities and games,
  • Information corners
  • Music and dance shows
  • Theatrical plays

Image removed.Open Day Program in English