The Environmental Justice Program contributes to the strengthening of environmental justice in Palestine and Jordan based on the vision of human rights, sovereignty, fair and gender-just control over resources and access to decision-making. The program highlights the linkages between environmental issues and the dimensions of equality, human rights, gender, and sustainability. In addition, it promotes debates and discussions on environmental sustainability and justice.
Our partners conduct projects on various environmental issues such as environmental justice and violations of environmental rights, natural resource management, sustainable development, environmental advocacy and lobbying, environmental research and gender equality. In our program, we focus on actors of change as our target groups
Program Objectives:
- To advocate the linkages between environmental issues and human rights, such as equal access to natural resources, right to a clean environment, and food sovereignty.
- To strengthen the local and regional discourse on sustainable resource management.
- To initiate debates on environmental sustainability in Jordan and Palestine.
- To advocate for the promotion and protection of environmental rights in the oPt at the international level – with focus on Germany, the EU and UN platforms.
“Deadly breeze” a film produced by Al Mezan Center for Human Rights in partnership with the Heinrich Böll Foundation – Palestine and Jordan Office on the effects of Israeli aerial spraying of chemicals over Palestinian farmlands in the Gaza Strip.
"The Struggle for Self Determination in the Face of Climate Change" - Heinrich Boll Foundation - Palestine & Jordan

"The Struggle for Self Determination in the Face of Climate Change" video by our partner Al-Haq.
The Story of Israel's Hazardous Waste in the Occupied West Bank - Heinrich Boll Foundation - Palestine & Jordan

This film was produced in cooperation with Ma'an Development Center as part of a Heinrich-Böll-Foundation's project in the MENA region titled: "Clean it up! Waste in the Middle East and Northern Africa – new ideas how to deal with it."
Untold Revolution: Food Sovereignty in Palestine الثورة غير المحكية- السيادة الغذائية في فلسطين - Heinrich Boll Foundation - Palestine & Jordan

This film documents the unspoken revolution, the beginning of an agricultural movement towards food sovereignty in Palestine.
This short film describes the current environmental and health situation in the Gaza Strip, reflecting the threats and the urgent need for intervention, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.