“Telling Migrant Stories, Raising Migrant Voices”

The Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung - Palestine and Jordan (hbs) and Jordanian Women’s Union (JWU) welcome Jordan-based journalists to apply for the Summer School titled “Telling Migrant Stories, Raising Migrant Voices.” The School will take place from 23 to 25 August 2022 in Amman, Jordan, and aims to provide young professional journalists with a space to explore the multiple dimensions of labour migration, exchange journalistic experience and improve their reporting and media production skills.
Through inputs from migration experts, group work sessions, teaching hands-on-knowledge and field trips, participants will obtain both theoretical background knowledge on labour migration issues as well as practical skills on how to improve reporting and create media products.
While large numbers of skilled Jordanians set out to seek employment in the Gulf, numerous migrant workers from neighbouring countries and from South East Asia are increasingly entering Jordan’s labour market, finding employment in sectors like agriculture, construction, gastronomy, the garment industries and in domestic work at households. However, rising unemployment rates among Jordanian nationals, combined with a high influx of migrant workers and refugees pose severe challenges for Jordan’s already dire economy. The most urgent challenge is to provide jobs and decent working conditions for all, whether they are Jordanian nationals, non-Jordanians, or migrant workers.
According to recent reports, there are currently 227,000 registered migrant workers in Jordan. However, it is estimated that another 500,000 undocumented migrant workers live and work in the country. Since they are neither registered nor have work permits, they possess no legal protection and are thus far more vulnerable to fall victim to abuse and exploitation. The high number of undocumented migrant workers has resulted in an increase in violations towards them and numerous cases of abuse have been reported. These range from labour rights violations, extortion and even to modern slavery.
Although migrant workers are generally visible in the country, their stories and experiences, both positive and negative, are scarcely covered by the media.
The Summer School
In cooperation with Jordanian Women’s Union (JWU), the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung – Palestine and Jordan will organize this Summer School to empower young professional journalists who show interest in the situation of migrant workers and who wish to spark debates in the media on important labour migration issues. The Summer School offers information on labour migration, case studies to analyse and insights from labour migration experts, civil society actors and international organizations working in the field. It will provide an excellent platform for sharing experiences and exchanging knowledge and stories. Participants will also have the opportunity to network with other Jordan-based journalists.
The Summer School will bring together 15 young professional journalists in order to:
A) Strengthen their capacity to report on labour migration issues; B) Develop their ability to create various media products; C) promote national networking and allow for an exchange of journalistic experience in general and journalism on migration issues in particular; D) facilitate learning experiences between stakeholders, experts and journalists.
The preliminary themes covered by the Summer School will be as follows:
1- International and National Law – Talking Legally: What are Migrants’ Responsibilities and Entitlements?
This session will provide a snapshot of international and national frameworks that address labour migration and human trafficking. Which international laws have been implemented in Jordan and does human trafficking really exist? What rights are Jordanian labourers and migrant workers entitled to and what are the protection mechanisms in place in case they face violations in the workplace?
2- Hand to Pencil, Microphone to Mouth: How to Produce Attention-grabbing Reporting
Media experts with a proven track-record will lead this session, share their experiences and teach you how to turn any topic into an exciting report. The session will put the spotlight on the issue of labour migration and speakers will illustrate how to report on the topic in a sensitive, yet compelling manner.
3- Transforming Knowledge into Practice: Create your own Masterpiece!
This session allows participants to create their own media product(s). Through group work, topics and research methods will be discussed, which will eventually lead to the creation of a newly designed media product (e.g. an article, blog, podcast, radio report). Experienced media specialists will join the session and provide advice and support.
The program of the Summer School will be practice-oriented. The aim is to enhance the participants’ capacities to create new and original media products, improve their reporting and writing skills on labour migration issues and to spark debates and discussions on the topic, thereby contributing to a pluralistic media landscape in Jordan.
Application Process
Participants will be selected based on their journalistic expertise, their interest in labour migration issues, and the strength of their personal motivation to participate. We are looking for engaged and motivated journalists who are based and accredited in Jordan. Eligible candidates should be between 20-38 years of age and reside in Jordan.
To be considered, an application must include the following:
1) A filled out Application Form, 2) a Curriculum Vita (CV) and 3) a Motivation letter, as well as a link to any of their own published media product(s). Applications will be accepted in both English and Arabic.
The Summer School will be conducted in Arabic and English with simultaneous translation.
Board costs of the participants will be covered by the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung – Palestine and Jordan. Travel and accommodation costs will be covered for those who reside outside of Amman.
Please submit your application by 06 June 2022 via email to info@ps.boell.org
Note: You can download the application form below