Democracy & Human Rights Program
This program contributes to the promotion of human rights, gender equality and democratic values as well as to increased political and social participation of citizens in Jordan and Palestine. The program is driven by the vision of a democratic Palestinian state, free of occupation.
The Democracy and Human Rights Program focuses on projects that aim to encourage political democratic reform actors, human rights defenders and media producers, in order to increase opportunities for social and political participation and strengthen human rights actors and defenders to improve the human rights situation, particularly among marginalized groups. In all its activities, hbs emphasizes the importance of gender democracy. Partners in this program organize workshops, capacity building, conferences and debates, and they publish and produce policy and position papers, research studies, and campaign on social media platforms. Through these activities, we support the direct target groups to raise awareness on human rights violations, including gender-based violence, and improve their skills and knowledge on strategic thinking, campaigning, writing, debating, and communicating.
Main Objectives:
• Increase opportunities for social and political participation of actors of change with focus on young actors.
• Strengthen human rights actors and defenders to improve the human rights situation including minority rights, women’s rights and gender democracy in Jordan and Palestine.
• Strengthen civil society organizations in order to expand participation in political decision-making.
Covid-19 Pandemic
Contributions by the Heinrich Böll Foundation on the political impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic in Asia.
Cameras in Hand: Stories from Shufat Refugee Camp قصص من مخيم شعفاط - مشروع كاميرا في اليد - Heinrich Boll Foundation - Palestine & Jordan

Cameras in Hand: Stories from Shu'fat Refugee Camp This film is a compilation of five films made by young women in Shufat refugee camp in the Occupied Palestinian Territory showing glimpses of their lives.
Medical advice for pregnant women during Corona from a recovering mother - Filastiniyat