On 7 December 2020, Tamkeen and hbs launched the recently published study titled “Under the Microscope: Analysis of Human Trafficking Cases in Jordan”. The study was written by Tamkeen with the support of hbs - Palestine and Jordan.
The study not only provides statistics on human trafficking cases brought before Jordanian Courts in the past ten years, but is also a thorough analysis of 18 specific cases. Although all cases have been accepted as human trafficking cases, the charges in most of them were dropped with reference to the Amnesty Law.
Human trafficking remains a global concern and every country is affected by it, whether as a state of origin, recruitment, transfer, harbor or receipt.
Jordan has already taken measures to counter human trafficking. Milestones include the Anti-Human Trafficking Law Number 9 and the National Strategy and Action Plan to Prevent Human Trafficking in the Kingdom.
This study is hoped to be a step forward in helping identify the problem of human trafficking in Jordan and contributing to further measures to combat this crime.
Please click on the links below to download the study in either Arabic or English.
Hard copies of the study can be picked up at Tamkeen’s office in Amman.