A change of course - How to build a fair future in a 1.5° world

In Paris in December 2015 the parties to the UN Climate Convention agreed to keep global warming „well below“ 2 degrees Celsius, ideally at only 1,5 degrees by 2100.

On October 5th 2016 more than 55 countries accounting for more than 55 % of the total global greenhouse gas emissions have ratified the ratified the Agreement so that November 4th will see its entry into force.

The new 1.5 degree limit is an unequivocal call to action: More needs to be done at once to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases. By the second half of the century the world is supposed to be „climate neutral“.

With the countries current commitments to emission reductions this goal cannot be achieved. In addition, the mainstream scenarios on offer pin their hopes on questionable, risky and costly technologies. Focussing on these technofixes is a dangerous distraction from necessary steps that we can already implement today. With our booklet “A change of course: How to build a future in a 1,5° world” we present alternatives of how we can stay within the 1,5 degree limit and achieve climate justice and sustainable development.

Product details
Date of Publication
October 2016
BUND, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Misereor
Number of Pages
Language of publication