Study: Fragmented Protection – Social Protection for Migrant Workers

Fragmented Protection – Social Protection for Migrant Workers

In 2020, the extensive consequences of the COVID-19 crisis placed social protection at the center of attention. As the health, economic and social impacts of COVID-19 echoed all over the world, the Jordanian government announced several social protection programs to support workers following the implementation of lockdowns.

However, most of these programs were accessible for Jordanian workers only. The exclusion of migrant and refugee workers occurred despite many of them working in the formal sector and being registered in the Social Security System. Many of these workers could neither benefit from the programs announced by the Social Security Corporation (SSC) nor the National Aid Program.

This study looks at migrant workers’ access to social protection in Jordan. It covers the national legal framework for social protection in Jordan, migrant workers’ contributions to the SSC, the barriers they face accessing social protection programs and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on them. At the end of the study, conclusions and recommendations are drawn.

The study was produced by Tamkeen for Legal Aid and Human Rights in cooperation with the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung - Palestine and Jordan.

Study: Fragmented Protection – Social Protection for Migrant Workers
Product details
Date of Publication
Fall, 2022
Tamkeen for legal aid and human rights
Number of Pages
All rights reserved
Language of publication
Table of contents
Introduction  4
First Chapter: Social Protection  5
Definition of Social Protection  5
International Framework for Social Protection  5
Second Chapter: Social Protection in Jordan  10
National Legal Framework for Social Protection  10
Chapter Three: Social Protection during the COVID-19 Pandemic  15
Defense Orders  16
Chapter Four: Migrant Workers in Jordan before and during the Pandemic  28
Status of Migrants in Jordan  28
Migrant Workers in the Informal Economy  32
Chapter Five: The Impact of COVID-19 on Migrant Workers  35
First: Qualified Industrial Zones Workers  36
Second: Agricultural workers  42
Third: Construction Workers  47
Fourth: Domestic Workers  50
Conclusion and Recommendations  53