Ashraf Za’tari, 26 years old, is continuing the legacy of his family in leather tanning. His grandfather, Shams Za’tari, was one of the first founders of tanneries in Palestine. Founded in 1928 and registered officially in 1948, the Modern Company for Leather Tanning was one of three tanneries in Hebron. Today, there are between nice to eleven tanneries. However, leather tanneries are a dying profession, with production capacities dropping at a staggering 70% according to Ashraf. Continuing the legacy of his grandfather and developing the business based on the modern taste of the young generation, Ashraf set out with a group of his friends to start the project “JELLD” (Leather).
The inspiration for the new line was also to make items based on the daily needs of Palestinians. For instance, most wallets are designed for small-sized cards and do not fit the relatively large Palestinian Identification card (ID), which Palestinians have to carry at all times, so there was a need for wallets with wider pockets. This very realization actually drove Ashraf and two of his friends to launch the project in 2016. They worked closely with three women to develop their first products. Started with only four products, today they produce 21 products and in 8 different colours.
In the spirit of producing local and handmade products, JELLD deploys traditional methods such as manual cutting, threading and assembling. However, Ashraf explains how all designs are first sketched electronically so the project is also a modern one that aims to preserve traditional methods, thus integrating the best of the two worlds.
Today, JELLD employs 17 people who are mostly women, people with disabilities, and fresh graduates in order to support these marginalized groups. Not only do they have selling points across Palestine, they also deliver their products abroad and make sure to be participate in different exhibitions as they strive to raise awareness about the Palestinian cause through their products.
JELLD is also working on developing personalized experiences for customers by organising tours and visits to the tannery to observe the local artisanship. JELLD also offers workshops to customers who would like to produce their own items. They are now considering new ideas as well, including the production of high-quality sandals and opening a shop in Ramallah.
Product Selling Points: Ghada’s Corner (Nazareth), Hilweh Market (Yafa), Handmade Palestine (Ramallah), Sunbula (Jerusalem),Yabous Art Shop (Jerusalem), Singer Cafe (Bethlehem), Bab Iddeir (Bethlehem).
Other Services: Organised tours to the tannery, customised workshops.