hbs is seeking applications from photographers

I. Background:
The Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung (hbs) is part of the Green political movement and seeks to contribute to the development of a diverse and vivid global civil society. We aim to encourage and facilitate local initiatives and regional cooperation. Our activities are guided by the fundamental political values of universal human rights, ecology, democracy, solidarity and non-violence.
The Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung established the Palestine and Jordan Office (based in Ramallah) in 1999. The office is currently working in close partnership with more than 20 local partner organizations in Palestine and Jordan.
Together with our partner organizations in Jordan, hbs - Palestine and Jordan office is currently implementing a project addressing the topic of labor migration, specifically focusing on migrant workers who have fallen victim to human rights violations at their workplaces in Jordan and the MENA region. The project makes use of diverse media formats in order to achieve its objective of raising awareness on migrants’ precarious living conditions and acute vulnerability. All project activities are implemented in Jordan.
II. Assignment Objective:
Hbs is seeking a professional photographer to produce a series of photographs portraying migrant workers living and working in Jordan. The photos are intended to portray migrant workers, illustrate their living and working conditions and environments, as well as their social situation in their host communities. In addition to photographs, personal stories from the portrayed migrant workers themselves will be collected.
It is planned that the photographs will be displayed in a public exhibition in Amman at the end of this year.
The outputs required of the photographer are as follows:
- Production of a photography series consisting of 10-15 photographs showing migrant workers living and working in Jordan.
- Preparing brief captions in English and Arabic for the migrant worker displayed in the photographs.
III. Coordination and Responsibilities:
- The contract for the consultancy will be provided by hbs.
- The consultant will report and deliver outputs directly to hbs.
IV. Timing and Deliverables:
- July - September 2022: Production of the photography series including the preparation of short texts.
V. Competencies and Experience:
- Previous experience in photography, especially storytelling photography / photojournalism.
- Photographic experience in communicating and working with marginalized groups in Jordan.
- An understanding of the migrant workers’ situation and the ability to deal with personal stories of migrant workers in a sensitive manner.
- Willingness to conduct in-depth research on the challenges and obstacles faced by migrant workers and the ability to interact with migrant workers in a considerate and sensitive manner.
Fluency in English and Arabic, both written and spoken.
VI. Application process:
- Applications should be sent by 26 June 2022 to applications@ps.boell.org . Any applications received after the application deadline will not be considered.
- Applications shall include the following:
- An application letter in English (max. 3 pages) outlining the proposed content of the photography series, as well as the intended approach for taking these photographs.
- Up-to-date CV(s) including relevant work experience and qualifications.
- Portfolio or link to published photographs/exhibition(s).
- Photographer’s financial offer (including a detailed breakdown of costs).
For inquires and clarifications please send an e-mail to Lara.Kirchner@ps.boell.org (Program Coordinator, hbs)