Tamkeen concludes a capacity building workshops targeting officials

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Capacity building workshop Cover

On Thursday, October 7th, 2021, Tamkeen for Legal Aid and Human Rights concluded a two day training to develop the capabilities of local law enforcement entities in partnership with the Heinrich Böll Foundation - Palestine and Jordan. Participants from Ministry of Social Development (MoSD), Karama shelter for trafficked victims, Ministry of Labor (MoL), and Public Security Directorate (PSD), have been educated on how to deal with and refer human trafficking cases to service providers, while ensuring that victims are being dealt with respect, dignity, and sensitivity.

It is important to continue to proactively screen for and identify trafficked victims among vulnerable populations, such as detained foreign migrants, domestic workers, workers in the agricultural sector, refugees, street children, and persons in commercial sex.

The workshop content was customized on the Jordanian Labor law No. 8 1996, with an emphasis on laws related to migration, especially article 77 in which forced labor is criminalized. The workshop theme offered the opportunity to exchange migration-related information between the above mentioned officials. The trafficking in persons was a key component in the workshop with indication to the following:

-        Terms related to the crime of trafficking (the terms indicated in Palermo Protocol) such as coercion, deception, fraud, abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability, control over another person and exploitation.

-        Identification of possible trafficked victims through identifying the obvious operational indicators which include but are not limited to: deceptive recruitment (or deception during recruitment, transfer and transportation), coercive recruitment (or coercion during recruitment, transfer and transportation), recruitment by abuse of vulnerability, exploitative conditions of work, coercion at destination, abuse of vulnerability at destination.

-        Human trafficking in domestic and international laws; Jordanian Anti- Human Trafficking Law No. (9) 2009 and the Palermo Protocol.

-        Case management and referrals pathways, how to deal with labor cases and trafficking cases including forced labor.

Capacity building workshop 9

Capacity building workshop 8

Capacity building workshop 7

Capacity building workshop 6

Capacity building workshop 5

Capacity building workshop 4

Capacity building workshop 3

Capacity building workshop 2

Capacity building workshop