Pottery making is an ancient craft dating back to Roman and Early Byzantine times in Palestine and is one of the main crafts passed on from generation to another until this day. In the past, pottery making was practiced mainly to produce kitchenware such as pots and jars. For those of us growing up in Palestine: Who doesn’t remember our grandparents describing the amazing taste of fresh cool water from clay water jars and comparing it to the taste of water in the terrible plastic containers we use nowadays?
With her sense of creativity and appreciation for beauty, artist Faten Nayroukh, started working in pottery making in 2005 and established “Salsal,” the Arabic word for the clay used in pottery making. Faten’s vision lies in reviving the use of pottery and presenting Palestinian history through modern styles and designs by making exquisite handmade pottery items that serve for both functional and decorative purposes. The items produced are quite diverse including plates, vases, jars, candleholders, and Christmas ornaments. Salsal offers quality work satisfying the customer’s taste in shapes and colours, while maintaining the fundamental idea that the artist intends to highlight in her final work.
During her previous work as a researcher in the field of environment and agriculture, Faten developed a database for flora and fauna in Palestine, so she is very much aware of the importance of protection and preserving rare and endangered species in Palestine. This is reflected in each of her handmade items as she features olives, wheat, poppy, gazelles, Palestine sunbird, and much more in her artistic pieces, constantly reminding the owner of the beauty of Palestine’s nature with its diversity and richness. Faten makes sure to use non-toxic colours and glazes that are suitable for kitchen and dining ware. Her elegant and colourful pieces of art can be found in her own workshop in Beit Sahour in addition to Dar Zahran in Ramallah, Craft gift shop in Bethlehem, and Canaan Fair Trade show room and in Oda gift shop in Haifa.
Product Selling Points: On location, Dar Zahran (Ramallah), Craft gift shop (Bethlehem), Oda gift shop (Haifa)