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Table of contents
Editorial: The Everyday and the Shadow Years....................3
*The Suppression of the Great Revolt .....................................9
and the Destruction of Everyday Life in Palestine
Charles Anderson
Resistance and Survival in Central Galilee, ........................28
July 1948–July 1951
Adel Manna
*Building to Survive: ...............................................................39
The Politics of Cement in Mandate Palestine
Nimrod Ben Zeev
To Subvert, To Deconstruct:..................................................63
Agency in Qalandiya Refugee Camp
Ahmed Alaqra
Thurayya’s Wedding:.............................................................77
A Glimpse of Ottoman Jerusalem from the Khalidi Library
Khader Salameh
Diaries of the Fall..................................................................100
Review by Walid Habbas
Reversing Israel’s Deepening Annexation .........................103
of Occupied East Jerusalem
International Crisis Group
* Peer reviewed article.