Call for Applications: Training on Investigative Journalism for the project
“Strengthening the legal and social status and enhancing the protection of migrant workers in Jordan and the region”
24 – 26.06.2018 - Amman, Jordan
1. Background
The Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Palestine & Jordan, was established in Ramallah in 1999, and currently works with more than 20 local partner organizations in Gaza, East Jerusalem, the West Bank and Jordan. It seeks to encourage and facilitate cross-border initiatives and regional cooperation
In the context of our project “Strengthening the legal and social status and enhancing the protection of migrant workers in Jordan and the region”, hbs aims to raise awareness on the difficult living and working conditions of migrant workers in Jordan, with a focus on mostly female domestic workers, cases of violations of the rights of migrant workers in Jordan and the issue of human trafficking in the region.
2. Objective
To organize a 3-day workshop for 15 journalists from the Palestinian Territories, Jordan and Arab journalists residing in Jordan, on how to report on human trafficking, the situation of migrant workers and cases of violations of the rights of migrant workers. The training will contribute to the following objective:
Awareness of the difficult living and working conditions of migrant workers, violations of their human rights and various forms of human trafficking is raised among decision makers and their readiness to discuss the issues is increased.
3. Training Language and Approach
The 3-day training will be conducted in Arabic, and its agenda will include:
Day I
- Definition of migrant workers
- International Framework for migrant workers
- Local Framework for migrant workers
- The relationship between migrant workers and modern forms of slavery
- Human Trafficking; definition and forms
- National legislations on migrants and human trafficking
- Violations committed against migrant workers as monitored by human rights organizations
Day II & III
- Overview of the Migration Glossary for Middle East media to ensure rights-based and gender-sensitive reporting on migration.
- Discuss different reporting formats: (investigations, features, TV documentaries, radio and television programs) to report on the topic and conduct practical work with participants
- The difference between traditional news reporting and investigative journalism
- How to select an investigative idea: relevance to public opinion, sources and risks
- How to form a hypothesis and use it to manage your investigation
- Definition of open and closed, primary and secondary sources
- How to get ready for the accountability interview
- Pre broadcast/publication fact-checking
- How to use a hidden camera in an investigation
- Practical session: guide on how to help participants research the story idea
4. Timing and Location:
The training will take place from Sunday 24.06 till Tuesday 26.06.2018, in Amman, Jordan. Travel, meals, and accommodation costs of the participants will be covered by the HBS.
5. Competencies and experience:
To be considered for the training, applicants should fulfill the following criteria:
- At least 3 years of experience and track record in journalism, especially dealing with social and political topics and human rights.
- Basic knowledge of the topic of migrant work, human trafficking and its legal framework in Jordan and the region.
- Provide at least 2 examples of journalistic work for evaluation purposes and to show commitment to the training.
6. Application process:
Applications should be sent via email to Heinrich Böll Foundation Palestine & Jordan office in Ramallah (info@ps.boell.org) and should include the following:
- Filled-out Application Form, including outlining your motivation to attend the training;
- Updated Curriculum Vitae, including relevant work experience, skills and qualifications.
Deadline for application is 27.05.2018. Applications received after the closing date will not be considered.