Heinrich Böll Stiftung Palestine & Jordan joins 70 international NGOs to call for an end to occupation
No freedom of movement. Almost no job options. Frequent electricity outages and limited clean water. Constant threats of physical violence.
These are just some of the risks and indignities that Palestinians face every day. A startling new report from The Association of International Development Agencies (AIDA) in Jerusalem documents the grim reality of life in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt) and calls for an end to the Israeli military occupation.
The report, 50 Years of Occupation: Dispossession, Deprivation and De-development, digs deep into the systemic, decades-long squeeze of Palestinian economic prospects and human rights by the Israeli government. It also documents how the Oslo Accords of the 1990s, which aimed to establish peace between Israelis and Palestinians, was never fully implemented – leaving Palestinians in a state of prolonged hopelessness.
Heinrich Böll Stiftung Palestine & Jordan is a member of AIDA, the coordinating body for international NGOs working in the oPt that published the report.
We hope that this new report will draw attention to the deepening humanitarian needs in the oPt and recurrent Israeli violations of international law.
Fifty years of occupation is enough.
- Please click on the link to access the full report
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