In partnership with the Jordanian Ministry of Environment, the Royal Marine Conservation Society of Jordan (JREDS), and EDAMA- Energy, Water & Environment Productivity-, Heinrich Boell Foundation’s Palestine & Jordan Office held a discussion workshop “From Amman to Marrakesh towards COP22” on 9 May 2016 in Amman, Jordan.
We had respected experts as speakers in the workshop: Ms. Indira Al Dahabi, Director of Climate Change Directorate in the Ministry of Environment; Mr. Wael Hmaidan, International Director of Climate Action Network (CAN); Mr. Faisal Abu Sondos, Executive Director of JREDS; Ms. Shermine Dajani, EDAMA’s Board member and Executive Director of PanMed Energy; and Ms. Safa’ Al Jayoussi, Head of Climate & Energy Campaign in the Arab World for IndyAct.
The experts discussed important issues in relation to COP22, which will take place in Marrakesh- Morocco in November 2016, and the role of the Arab countries in the implementation of Paris Agreement.
Mr. Wael Hmaidan assessed Paris Agreement, which resulted from COP21 in Paris in December 2015, and talked about the influence of the agreement on the Arab region. He also discussed the role the Arab countries could play in the implementation of Paris Agreement.
Ms. Indira Al Dahabi explained the steps that Jordan will take in order to implement Paris Agreement and have a role in COP22. This includes developing the Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) of Jordan that were submitted to COP21, integrate the developed INDCs into sectorial policies and plans, and involve the private sector and civil society in the implementation of INDCs.
Ms. Safa’ Al Jayoussi discussed the role the Jordanian civil society could play in COP22 and in influencing the local policies to join the efforts in fighting climate change. She also explained how the civil society could be integrated in the process of implementing Paris Agreement and playing a more important role in climate change along with the Jordanian private sector.
Mr. Faisal Abu Sondos showed the role the Royal Marine Conservation Society of Jordan (JREDS) play in the fight against climate change especially in Aqaba in Jordan. He explained the dangerous threats of climate change on the marine life in Aqaba in addition to the natural resources and environment in Jordan.
Ms. Shermine Dajani discussed the role of the Jordanian private sector in climate change and renewable energies. She also mentioned how the private sector could be involved in forming policies for climate change. She emphasized on the role of EDAMA and the Jordanian government in raising the awareness of the private sector on the negotiations that take place globally on climate change in addition to Paris Agreement, and so the private sector could play a more influential role in climate change and allocate more investments in renewable energies.
Ms. Ruba Al- Zubi, Executive Director of EDAMA, was the moderator of the workshop and she initiated important discussions between the speakers and the audience. Ms. Ruba Al- Zubi emphasized on the important unified role that all sectors in Jordan could play in climate change and renewable energies.
Different Jordanian sectors attended the workshop including the private sector, civil society, ministries, journalists, academics, experts, local governments, and partners.
The workshop was ended by recommendations suggested by the experts and audience for the Jordanian government for their preparation for COP22 and after signing Paris Agreement. These recommendations include:
- Take the lead in COP22 and encourage the other Arab countries to play a leading role in COP22.
- Enhance the role of the Jordanian civil society and private sector in the process of formulating policies for COP22 and climate change.
- Inform the public of the role that Jordan plays in COP22 and the implementation of Paris Agreement.
- Establish a strategic national plan for all sectors for the implementation of Paris Agreement.
- Enhance the role of the Jordanian National Committee for Climate Change and include more civil society organizations and private sector as members in the committee.
- Enhance scientific research on climate change in Jordan.
- Raise the awareness of the public, civil society, private sector and ministries on Paris Agreement and COP22 and inform all the sectors of the role they could play for the implementation of Paris Agreement.