Ocean Atlas 2017


Dear Friends,

The Heinrich Böll Foundation in Berlin and Schleswig Holstein has published, together with the monthly newspaper Le Monde Diplomatique, the Ocean Atlas 2017. With 18 contributions and 50 graphics it delivers the facts and figures on our impact on the oceans, the most valuable ecosystems our planet has to offer. It explains why we are seeing a rapid increase in acidity levels, how 90 percent of globally exploited fish populations are fully utilized, and 20% of them even overfished.

The Ocean Atlas will be presented at a side event of the UN-Ocean-Conference in New York on June 8th, from 09:00 – 10:00 am in the Permanent Mission of Germany to the United Nations in New York. In October hbs Palestine & Jordan will launch the Atlas in Amman, together with our partner JREDS, the Royal Marine Conservation Society of Jordan. Please check our website and facebook for the date and venue later in the year.

Please press on the link to view the publication and all related articles