One year before the Fukushima reactor exploded, the International Uranium Film Festival (IUFF) was founded in 2010 in Santa Teresa, the famous artist quarter in the heart of Rio de Janeiro. It is the first festival of its kind that addresses all nuclear and radioactive issues. The aim is to inform about nuclear power, uranium mining, nuclear weapons and the risks of radioactivity. Independent documentaries and movies are the best tool to bring that information to a diverse international public. Uranium mining, nuclear accidents, atomic bomb factories, nuclear waste, and depleted uranium weapons: No matter if you are in favour or against the use of nuclear power or uranium: all people should be informed about the risks. The International Uranium Film Festivals creates a neutral space to throw light on all nuclear issues.
After premiering in Rio, the International Uranium Film Festival traveled to other cities and countries. In the past years it has been in São Paulo, Lisbon, Berlin, and Munich, among others, as well as in ten major cities in India including New Delhi and Hyderabad. In 2014 the festival travelled from Rio de Janeiro to Washington DC, New York City, and Berlin. Now it is in Amman.
Jordan depends on imported energy sources (fuel, natural gas) at a ratio of 96% of its national energy mix. This translates to around 20% of GDP and puts a heavy burden on the public budget which is already constrained by running costs and subsidies. Moreover, Jordan is vulnerable to any unforeseen surprises in the energy supply chain.
Jordan developed a national energy strategy in 2007 that included a strategic roadmap to diversify Jordan’s energy mix by 2020. In 2020 Jordan is supposed to meet 29% of its energy needs from natural gas, 14% from oil shale, 10% from renewable energies and 6% from nuclear energy. Furthermore, the energy consumption should be reduced by improving the energy efficiency. The contribution of the local sources in the primary energy mix are supposed to increase to 39% in the year 2020, while the contribution of foreign sources in the primary energy mix are supposed decrease from 96% to 61% in the year 2020.
In 2007 Jordan also announced its intentions to develop a peaceful nuclear energy programme for electricity generation. King Abdallah asserted that Jordan’s strategic objective was to meet its energy security needs and that the nuclear programme would be implemented under the scrutiny of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
This programme has been heavily criticized by a variety of Jordanian academic and civil society actors who, backed by international experts, stress that the programme is not economically feasible and poses a severe environmental threat on Jordan, a country that is among the four water scarcest countries worldwide. In addition to this, the Jordanian Parliament has repeatedly requested the presentation of environmental impact studies and economic feasibility studies by the Jordanian Atomic Energy Commission (JAEC) which have not been produced so far.
The Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung's Palestine & Jordan office, in cooperation with the Royal Film Commission - Jordan and the Goethe Institut Jordan, is inviting for the International Uranium Film Festival's premiere in Amman, Jordan. The three day event is backed by a number of Jordanian environmental organizations, namely the Jordanian Friends of the Environment, the Society for Energy Conservation and Sustainable Environment (E-Case), and Greenpeace Jordan. The International Uranium Film Festival is a partner of the Brazilian Film Commission of Rio de Janeiro and, through the Institute for Science and Technology, a partner of FAETEC, the Ministry for Science and Education of the state of Rio de Janeiro.
Please find the program of the festival here: Festival Program
Poster full size: Festival Poster