The Third Arab Bloggers Meeting

Reading time: 3 minutes

Tunis 3-6 October 2011

The Third Arab Blogger Meeting convened in Tunisia in cooperation with Heinrich Böll Stiftung, the international network Global Vocies and the Tunesian platform of internet activists Nawaat. More than 100 cyberactivists from across the Arab World participated in the „unconference“, as the meeting was called due to its unusual agenda of open meetings and ad-hoc presentations. They exchanged their experience and discuss their role in the Arab Spring. The first two meetings were organized by the hbs and Global Voices in Beirut in 2008 and 2009. Particularly the second meeting prepared the ground for the crucial role the digital activists assumed in the Tunisian revolution. The meeting received a wide media coverage in Arabic, English and German. Links to the most prominent articles can be find below, as well to the meetings websites, facebook pages and twitter accounts of participants. 

To have a look on the CONFERENCE PHOTOS please see Ibtihel Zaatouri/ Tunisian Blogger - photos Slide Show on Flickr, all photos are subject to Creative Commons License.

General Articles about the Bloggers Meeting in Tunis:

English Articles:

Arabic Articles:

German Articles:


Articles on Blogs

English Articles:

Arabic Articles:

French Articles:


Articles on the conference website (